
Portland Uncovered

Portland Uncovered has a longstanding mission to welcome visitors where they’re at right now — in thousands of hotel rooms around the city.


Portland keeps earning ink for everything from its artisan doughnuts and food carts to bike-friendly streets and independent book shops. Yes, it’s all true — but visitors may not know where to go to experience it. That’s where Portland Uncovered comes in, bringing insider tips and how-to information about the city’s patchwork of neighborhoods and pioneering residents. Portland Uncovered has a longstanding mission to welcome visitors where they’re at right now — in thousands of hotel rooms around the city.

The Portland Uncovered hotel book is in 11,000+ hotel rooms, reaching 3.2 million visitors.

• 70% of hotel visitors are coming to Portland for leisure and 30% for business

• 42% visit Portland two to five times per year

Advertisers gain direct access to these visitors as they are making decisions about where to go, what to do and where to eat during their stay in the Portland area.


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